Zomerweg 20
B 8490 Jabbeke
T +32(0)50 81 17 43
F +32(0)50 81 40 03
E info@lauretum.be
In contrast to what many people think, bay trees endure frosty weather well, up to around -5°C. At very low temperatures, or in case of lingering frost, it is best to remove the bay tree to an unheated, but frost-free room (garage, conservatory).
If you cannot place a plant inside, protect it by wrapping the trunk and roots with air-permeable material, such as fleece cloth, burlap or an old blanket. Remove the protective material as soon as the frost has passed. For larger specimens of crown on stems (ball topiary trees), you can use a 'plant jacket'. This is a wintering system that can be fixed on our Versailles planter box. Do not forget to occasionally water your plants during the winter months.
As soon as the month of March begins and the highest risk of severe frost has passed, the plants may again be brought back into the open air. It is definitely not advisable to let the plants remain indoors for too long.
For information on wintering your bay tree, please contact: info@lauretum.be